The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 7
This form of mindfulness is mindfulness that is constantly monitoring the level of wholesomeness in the mind never letting wholesomeness slip away from the mind and its intentions
The Mind as the Origin of Peace and War
The human experience is composed of two important parts, the body and the mind. These two elements communicate back and forth with each other from the
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one s mind
Meditation is classified by the standstill location of one’s mind.
โครงการ The Sun of Peace รุ่นที่ 11
โครงการ The Sun of Peace รุ่นที่ 11 สมัครฟรี ถึง 31 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ.2560
A Mind Free Of Worldly Vicissitudes.
The mind is the nature of thought inside our body and can collect and assimilate all kinds of sense-objects
The ceremony of chanting to bless the King and the Queen
The ceremony of chanting the Lord Buddha’s Mantra to bless and glorify the King’s honor
How to Manage Family Life #1
The practice of regulation one’s emotions prior to getting married is an important foundation of maintaining a marriage
How to Find Happiness
When your mind comes to an absolute standstill at the center of your body, no thought arises. Then, you will experience the brightness at the center of your body, it is the natural brightness of the pure mind.
The advantages of making merit with a faithful mind
Dhamma For People. The fruit of making merit with a faithful mind is beyond the expectation, but the merit making is not too difficult to do...if you believe in merit and the fruit of merit.
Schedule of the Earth Day 2014